The Nurse's Story
Suffering Compassion Fatigue?
Over 40% of nurses are burnt out and dissatisfied in their careers.
New York Times bestseller
#2 on the Los Angeles Times Bestseller List
Featured in Book of the Month Club
Six weeks on Publisher Weekly’s List
“The Nurse’s Story” screenplay was completed by Mario Puzo and was submitted for a feature film or major TV series.
"Riveting, wrenching. Few nurse’s have experienced the range of cases this dedicate nurse describes: cancer, burn unit, emergency room, birth, brain damage…The writer is a vigorous, optimistic, caring woman. And she exudes frankness."
This book is a moving and important affirmation of courage. Of the power of Love and of tragedy redeemed by compassion. Here is a book that will shatter forever your casual assumptions about medicine, doctors, and especially about nurses.
Nursing is backbreaking work that requires an extraordinary range of knowledge and talent-from physical stamina to highly technical knowledge. There is a huge amount of responsibility and a frustrating amount of accountability. What then keeps men and women in the profession? Gino insists that for most who serve patients at the bedside, nursing is a deep and abiding calling – a vocation, rather than a job or career.
In this book we follow the young nurse, Teri Daly through her entire career, from her early optimistic beginning as a nurse’s aide, through her grueling nights in Intensive Care as her education moves her farther and farther away from the bedside. The reader shares her nights with terminal patients as a private duty nurse or in hospice and finally encounters a nurse’s greatest professional danger – Nurse Burnout.. Compassion Fatigue.
An excerpt from the book:
“In the silent space between a stopped heart and the call for help lies everything I really am… Almost instantly, as I stand at the side of a patient’s bed, everything I know medicine to be, and not to be, computes. It is then that I do battle with death–or surrender–using another person as the field. And I don’t think for a minute think that I’ve always made the right decision. I have sometimes been too depressed to fight, and often too happy to relent.”
Check out what people are saying about this book
"A shattering, exhilarating book. A tribute to human dignity and courage."
Author of The Godfather
"Gritty and honest. It has a fierce compassion."
Author of Heart Sounds
"Carol Gino has written a wonderfully moving book. She tells The Nurse’s Story with just the right blend of emotion, compassion and wisdom."
Author of When Bad Things Happen To Good People
"A touching work, highly recommended for nursing, medical, and health sciences libraries."
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